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The Importance Of Education In Islam


The Importance Of Education In Islam

Education is the key to balance the growth of the personality by training yourself to be spiritual, intellectual, and rational. Education is the path that connects your personality with pure soul hence, Education in Islam means acquiring divine knowledge. In Islam, Ilm means the action of education. Knowledge is not confined as Ilm but also relates moral aspects. In Islam Education plays a vital role which helps you to retain knowledge. It is the mode of spreading the faith among the diverse people of the world. It is the only channel to spread knowledge and virtue around the universe.

The basic teaching of Islam that Our Prophet exemplifies is to have affirmed faith in Allah (S.W.T). Islam also upholds the signs of our Almighty's existence. Thus, Islamic finders teach us the importance of education and knowledge in Islam. Our Prophet said that 'You must seek knowledge and have the patience to learn more'. Therefore, performing Sunnah is the first key to walk on the Islamic path. The values of Sunnah are performed along with the learning of the Quran. 

The very first word of the Quran which reveals on prophet Muhammad by Allah is 'IQRA', it means to read. And the whole Qur'an is about the teaching of Allah about learning to lead the lifestyle of believers. Hence, in hadiths, there are various chapters related to Ilm which means knowledge. Thus, Muslim scholars say that education is the essence of knowledge. Moreover, it is the channel through which one can strengthen their faith and Imaan. Therefore, it also helps you in acquiring the necessary knowledge. In other words, Ilm or knowledge is a concept to understand ( 'al-ma ani al-ma luma ).

Hadith is a book that contains all the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Hence, it is one of the most important sources of religious law and gives moral guidance. It defines the biography of our Prophet and contains his teachings. Moreover, it teaches us obedience, moral values, and guides you to become a soulful person. We can evident the arrival of Sunnah from the hadiths. With the reading of  Hadiths, it slowly became the source of rapid geographical expansion of believers. 

Knowledge is the path of guidance which helps you to grow faith within yourself. Therefore, education is the right of every male and female. Therefore, education has a significant and plays an important role in Islam from the very beginning.

The most vital point is that it teaches you to respect everyone. Allah (S.W.T) is our creator. He created nature, gave us wisdom, and commanded us to act accordingly. Islam teaches us to begin our day by thanking our creator. You must learn and understand the teachings in the Quran and Hadith.

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